Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Not the Best Couple of Days

The Lord has given me a precious gift to be an encourager to others in this life, but the last few days have been tough. Situations and circumstances that I usually find great joy in, have been met with a smile that is genuine, although less than fully shown. I have determined that these tough moments make it difficult to reach out and truly try to bring out joy in the others around me. Overall, I am trying to view it as a learning experience and let the Lord's grace be sufficient. I understand that "for everything there is a season", and that "this too shall pass", so for now I am striving to keep pushing forward through those things that are less than comfortable, knowing in my heart that there is hope for a better day. All the while, I am trying to pray and continue to encourage those around me, trusting that the Lord can encourage, even when I as the messenger cannot. The Lord never promised the walk with Him on this Earth would always be an easy one, and I am learning that more day by day. But, I live with a hope of the joy that we as believers will one day experience in His presence and that makes the tough days easier.

"......for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." Philippians 4: 11

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude sorry to hear your having a tough time. You have some more to learn about humility though. keep seeking the lord and he'll show you the way. check yourself!