Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tuna Fish

What is so wrong with eating Tuna Fish for lunch everyday? At the office, apparently...alot! I figured out a long time ago, that I don't have time to cook, and to eat out every day is about the most expensive thing you can do besides maybe going furniture shopping at Neiman Marcus. So, I developed a solution to solve the problem of cost and convenience.....TUNA FISH. Ever since college, I have been a die hard tuna fan. Where else can you get 20g of Protein for .50? And now, they sell Starkist in pouches that have different flavors mixed in like "Sweet and Sour", "Lemon Pepper" and "Hickory Smoked"...yea, that is right "Hickory Smoked" Tuna..... So, in order to get out of Wal-Mart with lunch for the week, and to save a few bucks....I buy about 10 pouches of tuna for the week. (Two a day).

Well, I have already been given the reputation at work as being the guy that will take any left anything, and basically has no shame in all things food. So, here recently everyone has begun to take notice of my tuna eating extravaganza at lunch. Most everyone is sick and tired of smelling sweet and sour tuna fish.....and they are all quick to make a fuss when they see me grab my two separate paper plates in order to put my tuna on (yea, one for hickory smoked, and the other of course, for sweet and sour). But, that is okay. I add a few pieces of wheat bread, and I am getting away with a lunch for about $3.00 (yea the pouches are a tad more expensive than the cans, but hey the opportunity cost that is saved far exceeds the extra $1.00), also there is about 40 grams of protein for lunch right there....and for everyone who has ever tried to stay on a high protein diet, you know that this is most certainly a bargain. So, as I sat here eating my Tuna Fish....and offending everyone in the office, as the guy that always stinks up the place...I decided to document this moment, and give a little encouragement to all the other tuna fans out there!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Keep Stepping Towards the Light

What does it mean to follow Christ?
It means to walk in the light.

What is the limit of the light?
Only the limit WE place on it

We live in a world of darkness. Everything we have ever known before Christ is dark. He is the light. How much do we limit what God can do by the amount of faith we have in Him? If only we could tap into the faith....tap into the flood gate of faith inside. Forget looking around us for understanding of God and His power, and simply take Him on faith. What if our first reaction was to bow our heads and raise our hands? What if our first thought was how He was glorified? What if we ran everything through a filter of pure light? If only we could discipline ourselves to JUDGE EVERYTHING by HIM, and not allow ourselves to let the world dictate to us what He is capable of. How do we get to the place of letting go of our own selfish motivations and limitations we place on the Holy One. How long will we chalk up an experience, a word, a direction, up to coincidence, and realize underneath is Him....the TRUE WORD, which was in the beginning, before everything else.

How do we change out perspective to view everything by Him, HE is the TRUTH, therefore HE is the standard of measurement. Through HIM we gain wisdom, and truth....everything that doesn't line up with HIM is false.

If we would just seek the light....SEEK IT LIKE WE SEEK MONEY, POWER, RESPECT, and countless other worthless endeavors. SEEK THE LIGHT, it is always shining...the question is are we really looking for it? Are we really wanting to find it? Or are we happy placing it in the small compartment in the back of our minds, and trying to forget about it for the sake of the world's standards?

When will we see that HE is the gauge, HE is the perspective, HE is the TRUTH, everything else is false.

Of course, we wouldn't be expected to measure the distance we have traveled in our cars in kilometers, if we had never learned what a kilometer was. If we never had an understanding of the measurement system, there would be no way to understand how to gauge anything by that standard. So how is the problem solved? Learn the standard...truly understand it. Then the ability to gauge by it can occur.

Seek the the Word. Seek to learn it and understand it. From that a gauge begins to develop from which truth can be measured with understanding.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice" Philippians 4:4

through the good, the bad, the difficult, the easy, the average, the repitition, the mountain tops, the valley floors, in the day, in the night, while you are driving, while you are working, when you are encouraged, when you are depressed, when you are happy, when you are sad, when you are up, and when you are down, when the sun is shining, when the clouds form, when you are in the storm, when you are beside still waters, when things couldn't be better, and things have never been worse, in the morning, in the evening, in fall, in winter, in spring, in summer, in pain, in suffering, in blessing, in contentment, in joy, in persecution, in quiet times, when surrounded with noise, in the pews of the church, in the grass on a hillside, during floods, during dryness, when the heavens open, when there is a gaping seperation, when we run, when we walk, when we crawl, when others are there, when we are all alone, when we raise our hands, when we bow our heads, during birth, during death........

always does not make exceptions