Thursday, February 22, 2007


"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice" Philippians 4:4

through the good, the bad, the difficult, the easy, the average, the repitition, the mountain tops, the valley floors, in the day, in the night, while you are driving, while you are working, when you are encouraged, when you are depressed, when you are happy, when you are sad, when you are up, and when you are down, when the sun is shining, when the clouds form, when you are in the storm, when you are beside still waters, when things couldn't be better, and things have never been worse, in the morning, in the evening, in fall, in winter, in spring, in summer, in pain, in suffering, in blessing, in contentment, in joy, in persecution, in quiet times, when surrounded with noise, in the pews of the church, in the grass on a hillside, during floods, during dryness, when the heavens open, when there is a gaping seperation, when we run, when we walk, when we crawl, when others are there, when we are all alone, when we raise our hands, when we bow our heads, during birth, during death........

always does not make exceptions

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