Friday, May 05, 2006

Aaron Shust

I purchased a CD on Saturday from an artist that I had only heard one song from. His name is Aaron Shust ( His song My Savior My God has touched my heart in a way that not many songs do. As a matter of fact, the whole album is Awesome. He loves the Lord, and you can feel the devotion he has through the words of his songs. There is a humbleness about him, and yet such power from his words. I have listened to this CD probably 10 times over the course of the week, and it has brought comfort in a very difficult time. The lyrics attached to my hurting soul, and have brought joy to my lips.

Lyrics from My Savior My God that hit me everytime I hear them:

"I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, What God has planned
I only know at His right hand
Stands one who is my Savior"

I am humbled at the thought of Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father. Who am I to question God, and Who am I to try to do anything except what He asks? I am not skilled to understand why, I am only to obey Him. He is my Lord and my Savior, and He is owed my devotion and faith. I cannot see His plans they are too high for me, too wonderful for me to understand. All I can do is trust and obey. This is what my faith is founded on, and this is how I try, rather unsuccessfully at times, to live my life. I have devoted my paths to Him, and want only to follow where He leads. I have been humbled again and again by planning a path, and then later seeing the Lord change its direction in ways that I never anticipated. But, who am I? I can only follow where He leads, I am an undeserving servant.

So as I walk through the days and think on this song, I realize how little I do understand right now, and that through it all I have faith that the Lord is above all looking down on me, guiding me.


Anonymous said...

Dear Joshua,

Reading your thoughts and feelings,
on this post. Brought a smile to my face.
I have always thought of you as being wise, beyond your years.
I feel that most people, don't start to realize, how our Savior
has things planned out for us, until they have some age on them.
Like me! I truly understand what you mean, when you say things like, who am I?
I have been humbled many, many times.
Hang on to the faith that you have. I know, he will take you many place's and teach you so very much more, than he has already.

Anonymous said...

Did the Lord lead you to mistreat a sister in Christ? I know there's one young lady who's pretty crushed by the way you've treated (mistreated that is) her.

Anonymous said...

You are the most sensitive, kind, compassionate, wonderful man I know. Thank you for being an encourager to men and a servant to God. You are a picture of honesty, integrity, and humbleness. Please continue your ministry by reaching out to those in need, standing strong for those who are weak and lifting up those who are down. You are doing a wonderful job touching lives for all eternity. At the end of the day, you know what matters most.

Love, Your Sister In Christ