Thursday, October 19, 2006


Today, I go to the dentist for the first time in a while! I am somewhat nervous about what is going to be found. If any of you are regulars readers, you will recall a post a few months back where I expressed my addiction to the candy here at work, well to say the least, this has not diminished over the last few months. I am up to like 4 to 5 pieces (small pieces) a day now. I know that I have got at least one cavity, and am thinking maybe two, that are going to need to be filled, and I also still have my wisdom teeth, which every dentists wants to be pulled out like the moment you are 21.

Yes, it should be an interesting experience today as I get to see how much money will be shelled out on my grill over the next few months. Speaking of, on a the cover of one of the Dallas weekly newspapers, I saw a headline, "White Girl with a Grill", and a picture of this white girl who was probably in her twenties that had a full grill! Maybe I should get a grill....what do you think? Gold, Silver, Platinum, or Diamond?!

Update on the Toby Mac Cd situation.....The cd is still in the player, and we are going on over a month now, my buddy Brian, (see link in my favorites) suggested that I try getting some of the condensed air that is used to clean the computer and spray it in the cd player in order to "raddle it loose". Well Brian, let me say it did not work, and now I have a can of condensed air in my truck that I don't have the slightest idea what to do with. Also, every once in a while, I get the urge to spray the inside of the cd player again, in the hopes that by some miracle the cd will just pop out, and every time it doesn't work! Anyway, I have begun to look at other cd players, while I do appreciate Toby Mac, he is getting pretty old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hope your visit goes well. I hate going to the dentist also. Keep us posted. It has been a long week.
