Thursday, June 29, 2006

Why is it......

That when we ask the Lord for something, and get it, there are times when we turn right back around and whine about it to Him.

This has hit me on two levels over the last few days, and the Lord has really used them in tandem to get me to see how ungrateful I can be to Him.

First, in reading Exodus 14 the other morning, I read about Israel escaping out of Egypt on the way to the promised land. After years of prayer, and asking the Lord to free them from slavery to the Egyptians, they are finally on their way out.

At this time, the Egyptians had decided that they wanted the Israelites back, and were in pursuit of them heading towards the Red Sea. The place the Lord has hit me in the heart is here, it is the point at which Israel, aware of the impending Egyptians, cry out to the Lord, look up to Moses, and say, " Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness?, What have you done to us in bringing us out of Egypt?, Is this not what we said to you in Egypt, 'Leave us alone so that we may serve the Egyptians'? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness." Exodus 14:11-12

What? Is that?

They had just been crying out to the Lord to free them from the Egyptians for years and years and years....Now, all of a sudden they are given an answered prayer (ie they are free from Egypt, and what now, they tell the lord and Moses, hey, we liked it under the Egyptians, why is it that you have brought us out here where it is uncomfortable to die?) (okay this a paraphrase) But, the point is this, They cry to Lord, please do this for me, the Lord does it, although maybe not in the way they had planned in their minds, at the same time, the Lord is using them to bring glory to himself through the Egyptians, and now in the middle of it all, Israel wants to go back to that place they previously despised, and cried to the Lord about it. Now, not to be hard on the Israelites, because as I thought about this this morning, I found out I am at this very moment doing the VERY SAME THING!

Last night, I prayed that the Lord would show me some things; in my prayers, I had an expectation of how these revelations of my heart would make me "feel". Well, sure enough, this morning I wake up, and I am facing the things I prayed about, literally like a mirror, I am seeing inside my heart. And bottom line, is that it hurts....its hurts alot! So, what do I do!? I turn right around and pray for God to take it away, and put me back in a place of previous comfort, of not looking at it! or as I have been asking him for "a place of peace". WHAT!? I just read about this two days, ago, and here I am , doing the same thing. I knew when I prayed that it was not going to be easy, I knew when I prayed that it would hurt, but not even one hour into the mourning, and pain, am I calling on him to relieve me of it, how ungrateful is that? Instead of praising Him for answering the prayer I wanted Him to answer, I immediately ask Him to send me back to the place I was before, where I was comfortable, and content! So, as I pouted around all morning, the Lord kept brining Israel back to my mind, and reminding me that He hears these kinds of things all the time from me. Some of it, is a lack of remembering, exactly what it is was I prayed for, and therefore, forgetting that the Lord may be working on one of the very requests I had asked him, and part of it is that I am not being thankful for the amazing learning, and growth that will come through the prayer that he answered. So, I guess this blog was more a way for me to get all this out, than anything else, and hopefully help me bring it to my heart. Thanks you all for listening.


~EW said...

Josh your are awesome. I hope I get to see you while I'm in Dallas!

gaela renee said...

i find myself hesitant to pray for or about certain things. and i know i shouldn't be, but sometimes i'm just afraid of how God will answer my prayers. He hasn't let me down, and i can't pretend to know how he will answer...but He always does. i've learned that when i do have something on my heart and i'm praying for an answer or guidance, hand in hand with that is to be prepared with how He responds.