Monday, December 11, 2006

One Awesome Weekend

After two months of planning, coordinating, and praying, Dallas One has arrived and left. Saturday was an incredible day of service, fellowship, and worship with over 500 young singles from the DFW metroplex participating.(Over 60 churches were represented).

My day began at 8:00 am, when I stopped in to get Krispy Kremes for my team mates. I then proceeded down to meet my team for a few hours of work, before I had to head off to manage the other teams I was responsible for. At about 12:00, the other teams started on their projects, and from that moment on, I was in trouble shooting mode. The one thing I strongly remember about the many details that needed to be addressed, was the amazing way that the Lord seemed to work them out right in front of my eyes. I probably received 25 phone calls within about a 20 minute span, and they all seemed to be addressed within an hour or two.

While I could go into detail after detail, I feel the best thing to write about is the amazing take aways from the day.

1. It was a very powerful day of worship through service, there were many who were blessed through the tremendous efforts of young singles from all over DFW.

2. The Body of Christ was reaching out and showing love to hundreds of people in hundreds of ways.

3. The stereotypical "slacker generation" label was proven 100% inappropriate for the labeling of this group of generation x'ers.

4. It was one of those days in your life you know you will never forget.

Thank you for all the prayers and support. Life has suddenly slowed down quite drastically, and I should be able to post with more frequency now.

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