Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Distractions, Distractions, Distractions

Could it be that we supplement our lives with constant distractions, in order to ignore the pain that pulses through our veins every hour of every day? Could it be that we have been born into a society and culture that has brain washed us into believing that there is no such thing as "peace"? Could it be that we actually believe that in the end the only hope we have of making it is by finding something with which we can drown out the constant barrage of painful thoughts, emotions, and hurts that have been built up over a quarter century of life? Could it be that our hearts, souls and minds are filled to overflowing with hollow promises of materialism, prosperity, and the self-made man/woman mentality?

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:1-2

Everywhere you turn there is something to distract you from facing your pain. Television, Internet, movies, shopping, radio, and on and on and on. Why on Earth would would we ever want to SIT STILL and WAIT and LISTEN to that "still small voice", when there are so many other so called "interesting and fun things" to get our mind off of our own pitiful existence? We don't feel the need to be saved, when in the end we have the ability to convince ourselves that we are really not that bad off......I mean we have all the advantages in the World! We are the "me" generation. We have seen technology advance beyond our parents wildest imagination. Space has been explored, the Cold War has ended, we have the strongest, richest, and most prosperous nation under the sun, and we are in line to be the next generation of leaders. Why on Earth would we want to take time to stop, be still, and listen to something that may actually point out to us that we are not that which we have convinced ourselves that we are? We might find that in reality all that we have is not from us, by us, or for us,...we might find out that we in the end our not the one's in control, we might find out that everything does not revolve around what we "feel" is right, and that there is no such thing as relativism!

The ironic thing about all of this is that our souls have been crying out to us to find PEACE, and through all of the distractions with which we have searched to find it, we have in the end only found more chaos. In all the running, and searching, we have become convinced that there is only a partial glimpse of peace that can be found on this Earth, and that the best we can do is distract ourselves from facing the reality of our finite existence.

There is a place where peace can be found.

There is hope.

The only thing you need to overcome is yourself.

Start over, learning the truth about the one thing you have always fooled yourself into thinking would not be the answer.

Begin in the beginning...John 1:1

Jesus is the word.

The word made flesh.

He is just as much alive today as he was prior to his crucifixion.

Do you know who he is?

Or do you just convince yourself you do?

He is the way, the truth, and the life.

He is the Prince of Peace.

He can't be found in the television, movies, shopping, Internet, or any other place that you may turn to for peace from your hurt.

He is found in His Word.

The simple book that has been around much longer than you, and which will abide forever. The little book that for so many years you have ignored, and said you would read someday.

Where is the peace? Where is true freedom? Where is God's will for your life? The same place it has always been...in his word.

The Simple, but Perfect Word of God.

"The Heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"
Jeremiah 17:9

Are you going to trust your own heart? It will deceive you. Truth is from God, and is eternal and perfect. The only way to know it, is to seek it. It does not change. It changes what it touches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...