I am not sure if I wrote about this back in July, but this is a picture of me at the Celebrate Freedom concert with Todd Agnew, one of the performers. (Much love to Amanda, for giving up her picture autograph, so that I could have both!). Anyway, many of you may have seen my Ireland hat that has the autographs on it, and have inquired about who those autographs were. Here is one right here. Now, Todd Agnew autographed, and also wrote the reference to Ephesians 6:15, which is Paul talking about the whole armor of God, specifically the sandals of peace:
"and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace."
Now, ever since he wrote this scripture I have wondered and thought, and thought about the meaning behind it. Is that his favorite verse, is that a reference he uses in every autograph? I just couldn't figure it out, it was such an interesting verse.
Well today, I am sitting and listening to the radio at work, and the newest Todd Agnew song starts to play, and it is really, really good. So my mind begins to drift back to that day when he signed my hat, and then pieces started clicking together in my mind! It all clicked! I finally understand why he chose that verse! If you look close at the picture above, you might figure it out too....... Can you see it?
Well, for some reason I remembered the shirt I was wearing that day! Can you read it?
It says "I Have Issues" Ha Ha!!! Do you see now? He was telling me to have peace in my issues!!! hahahahahaha! I love it, it is so awesome!
1 comment:
wow...you have been quite the blogger recently! and i feel like such a slacker! :)
good seeing you last night!
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