Well, this is more of an update blog, but I'll try to put some interesting things in for all those non-family members that read regularly. I have once again found myself in a whirlwind of activities. I have a tendency to over commit sometimes, because I want to help wherever help is needed. So, that being said, based on the past couple of weeks I can now officially say, "I am busy". Work is picking up as we wind down the year, and are trying to get projects wrapped up, and that is only the beginning.
I am very excited about a new service project taking place up here in big D called Dallas One. Now, without going into too much detail about the history and greatness of it all, I will say, please check out the website for all the details. But, in short, it is an AWESOME, AWESOME, ministry that incorporates singles from all over DFW, for a day of service, worship, and fellowship in the second week of December. For all of you Dallas "young singles" out there, who haven't registered, please take a minute to register online. Our goal is to have participation from at least 800 singles in DFW. We are a little behind, but we still have a month or so to get registrants!
I am still participating in my b-study class, and the homeless downtown weekly, so please keep me in your prayers for strength, and encouragement as I go go go go go! Bottom line is that I wouldn't want it any other way, I love it. I have to say that I have been able to see God move in my life in AMAZING Ways over the last few months, and I am so so excited to see where He leads from here.
One note, I heard a message the other day on noise....how, if we sit and be still, that in reality there is always noise going on around us. How often do we really get to a "quite place?" Just us and the Lord, in order to hear him speak? I have been trying to turn off all noise in the times when I am alone. Not even any radio or Cd's in the car (Sorry Toby Mac!). It has been really good, although it is surprising how much noise is still not filtered out. Even at my apartment, sitting in total silence, I still hear the jets flying overhead, the neighbors walking upstairs, radios from cars blaring, and people walking around outside. There really isn't much silence in the city, so making a time and place to find it, becomes all the more important. Jesus sometimes went up on a mountain, just to get away from the crowd. How much time do we spend, seeking silence, away from noise? In this day and age, distractions are countless, and escaping silence has never been easier, but God speaks in the silence many times, and just think, we may have too much noise running around all around us, to be able to hear from Him.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I GOT IT!!!!!!

I am not sure if I wrote about this back in July, but this is a picture of me at the Celebrate Freedom concert with Todd Agnew, one of the performers. (Much love to Amanda, for giving up her picture autograph, so that I could have both!). Anyway, many of you may have seen my Ireland hat that has the autographs on it, and have inquired about who those autographs were. Here is one right here. Now, Todd Agnew autographed, and also wrote the reference to Ephesians 6:15, which is Paul talking about the whole armor of God, specifically the sandals of peace:
"and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace."
Now, ever since he wrote this scripture I have wondered and thought, and thought about the meaning behind it. Is that his favorite verse, is that a reference he uses in every autograph? I just couldn't figure it out, it was such an interesting verse.
Well today, I am sitting and listening to the radio at work, and the newest Todd Agnew song starts to play, and it is really, really good. So my mind begins to drift back to that day when he signed my hat, and then pieces started clicking together in my mind! It all clicked! I finally understand why he chose that verse! If you look close at the picture above, you might figure it out too....... Can you see it?
Well, for some reason I remembered the shirt I was wearing that day! Can you read it?
It says "I Have Issues" Ha Ha!!! Do you see now? He was telling me to have peace in my issues!!! hahahahahaha! I love it, it is so awesome!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Psalm 31
Just a quick note, the Dentist went great yesterday! No cavities (although I do have to get some old cavities re-filled :(. (Yes, I am a grown man that uses emoticons!) By the way, dental insurance rocks! I wish there was such a thing as haircut insurance.
Anyway, I was reading yesterday and came across this Psalm, but the part that really hit me was this:
Blessed be the Lord, for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me when I was in a besieged city. I had said in my alarm, "I am cut off from your sight." But you heard the voice of my pleas for mercy when I cried for help.
Love the Lord, all you his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!
Psalm 31: 21-24
After reading this I thought, "How many times do I get into a tough place and then scream at the top of my lungs, "Where are you Lord?!, I am certainly cut off from you right now! Please come save me!!!" Like how David says "I had said in my alarm". That is me right there, I get a little raddled along the path and I'm like Lord, Lord, it is difficult now, I am under attack! But, the Lord, hears my cries for help. He is there, and when the attack is over, I feel him there and know that He was there all along. I was not cut off, only being taught things like faith, and trust. I realize how weak and incapable I am, and find myself ashamed for lack of faith in my struggle.
Like David, the realization comes THE LORD PRESERVES THE FAITHFUL!, Why can't I ever remember that! But, what the struggle allows me to do is encourage those around me after it is over, and say: "Be Strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait on the Lord!" It is an awesome cycle of glorifying the Lord. The Lord is faithful, and when he lets us go into a besieged city, although we feel he has left, he is there, and he hears us. What we fail to realize is that He is growing and stretching and strengthening us, so that when the battle is over, and we look back we have seen Him faithful.
Then, we are placed around others who are facing their own besieged cities, and because we have truly learned this lesson, we are able to say to them with confidence, Be Strong!! Take Courage! The Lord preserves the faithful! You may not feel or see Him right now, but know this, He is there. Just wait. Just wait.
Anyway, I was reading yesterday and came across this Psalm, but the part that really hit me was this:
Blessed be the Lord, for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me when I was in a besieged city. I had said in my alarm, "I am cut off from your sight." But you heard the voice of my pleas for mercy when I cried for help.
Love the Lord, all you his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!
Psalm 31: 21-24
After reading this I thought, "How many times do I get into a tough place and then scream at the top of my lungs, "Where are you Lord?!, I am certainly cut off from you right now! Please come save me!!!" Like how David says "I had said in my alarm". That is me right there, I get a little raddled along the path and I'm like Lord, Lord, it is difficult now, I am under attack! But, the Lord, hears my cries for help. He is there, and when the attack is over, I feel him there and know that He was there all along. I was not cut off, only being taught things like faith, and trust. I realize how weak and incapable I am, and find myself ashamed for lack of faith in my struggle.
Like David, the realization comes THE LORD PRESERVES THE FAITHFUL!, Why can't I ever remember that! But, what the struggle allows me to do is encourage those around me after it is over, and say: "Be Strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait on the Lord!" It is an awesome cycle of glorifying the Lord. The Lord is faithful, and when he lets us go into a besieged city, although we feel he has left, he is there, and he hears us. What we fail to realize is that He is growing and stretching and strengthening us, so that when the battle is over, and we look back we have seen Him faithful.
Then, we are placed around others who are facing their own besieged cities, and because we have truly learned this lesson, we are able to say to them with confidence, Be Strong!! Take Courage! The Lord preserves the faithful! You may not feel or see Him right now, but know this, He is there. Just wait. Just wait.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Today, I go to the dentist for the first time in a while! I am somewhat nervous about what is going to be found. If any of you are regulars readers, you will recall a post a few months back where I expressed my addiction to the candy here at work, well to say the least, this has not diminished over the last few months. I am up to like 4 to 5 pieces (small pieces) a day now. I know that I have got at least one cavity, and am thinking maybe two, that are going to need to be filled, and I also still have my wisdom teeth, which every dentists wants to be pulled out like the moment you are 21.
Yes, it should be an interesting experience today as I get to see how much money will be shelled out on my grill over the next few months. Speaking of, on a the cover of one of the Dallas weekly newspapers, I saw a headline, "White Girl with a Grill", and a picture of this white girl who was probably in her twenties that had a full grill! Maybe I should get a grill....what do you think? Gold, Silver, Platinum, or Diamond?!
Update on the Toby Mac Cd situation.....The cd is still in the player, and we are going on over a month now, my buddy Brian, (see link in my favorites) suggested that I try getting some of the condensed air that is used to clean the computer and spray it in the cd player in order to "raddle it loose". Well Brian, let me say it did not work, and now I have a can of condensed air in my truck that I don't have the slightest idea what to do with. Also, every once in a while, I get the urge to spray the inside of the cd player again, in the hopes that by some miracle the cd will just pop out, and every time it doesn't work! Anyway, I have begun to look at other cd players, while I do appreciate Toby Mac, he is getting pretty old.
Yes, it should be an interesting experience today as I get to see how much money will be shelled out on my grill over the next few months. Speaking of, on a the cover of one of the Dallas weekly newspapers, I saw a headline, "White Girl with a Grill", and a picture of this white girl who was probably in her twenties that had a full grill! Maybe I should get a grill....what do you think? Gold, Silver, Platinum, or Diamond?!
Update on the Toby Mac Cd situation.....The cd is still in the player, and we are going on over a month now, my buddy Brian, (see link in my favorites) suggested that I try getting some of the condensed air that is used to clean the computer and spray it in the cd player in order to "raddle it loose". Well Brian, let me say it did not work, and now I have a can of condensed air in my truck that I don't have the slightest idea what to do with. Also, every once in a while, I get the urge to spray the inside of the cd player again, in the hopes that by some miracle the cd will just pop out, and every time it doesn't work! Anyway, I have begun to look at other cd players, while I do appreciate Toby Mac, he is getting pretty old.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The World Can Sure Beat You Up!
Well, I just wanted to take a few minutes and encourage everyone! This has been a tough week so far, and as I thought about it this morning. I realized that sometimes the World can just beat you up. After thinking about it, I decided I needed to write something for those of you out there who may be facing some tough things as well.
"I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart I have overcome the world." John 16:33
"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." 1 John 4:4
"then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials.." 2 Peter 2:9
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are NOT WORTH comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18
Hang in there! This too shall pass. Joy comes with the morning!
Keep stepping, keep loving, keep praising, keep worshipping, keep giving, keep obeying, keep focusing, keep going.......
Remember you serve a special purpose for the Lord that no one else can serve, you have a mission given specifically for you, and that is unlike anyone else.
We are part of a body, and we need each hand, foot, eye, and ear to do its part. When one of us hurts, we all hurt, when one of us is blessed, we are all blessed.
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to bless you and keep you and not to harm you." Jeremiah 29:11
"I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart I have overcome the world." John 16:33
"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." 1 John 4:4
"then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials.." 2 Peter 2:9
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are NOT WORTH comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18
Hang in there! This too shall pass. Joy comes with the morning!
Keep stepping, keep loving, keep praising, keep worshipping, keep giving, keep obeying, keep focusing, keep going.......
Remember you serve a special purpose for the Lord that no one else can serve, you have a mission given specifically for you, and that is unlike anyone else.
We are part of a body, and we need each hand, foot, eye, and ear to do its part. When one of us hurts, we all hurt, when one of us is blessed, we are all blessed.
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to bless you and keep you and not to harm you." Jeremiah 29:11
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Renovating Diverse City!
About three weeks ago, I bought a new Cd, "Renovating Diverse City" from Toby Mac, of former DC Talk fame. This is actually the second time I purchased this cd, as my first copy is now in the ownership of another, but that my friends is a whole different, and long story.
Anyway, I was in Wal-Mart here while back, looking through the cd's (I think I was talking to Nene on the phone at the same time), when I found this cd on sale for under $8.00. Well, me, not being one that wants to pass up a chance to fuel the world's largest retailer by a purchase, decide to pick up a second copy. Well, now that I think about it, this is actually my third purchase of this cd, (I bought one for my brother way, way back like two years ago). Anyway, needless to say, I support Toby Mac!
Back to the story. So, I am super pumped about my new music, as I usually am, and open it as soon as I get in my truck after leaving Wal-Mart. As I begin listening through the tracks, I am reminded how much I really do love this cd, I mean Christian Hip-Hop from a white guy, its AWESOME! ( I often wonder if we will get to hear Christian Hip Hop in heaven) I think we might, and its going to be awesome!
But I digress, a third time. After driving around most of the day listening to TB, I get to a point where I want to listen to something else. So, I hit the eject button, and there is a problem, the cd player decides it does not want to give me the cd back. And.....after three weeks, it still does not want to give me the cd back. Now, one thing about it, the cd does still play, it just won't eject. So, in conclusion, I just wanted to say that I have lsitened to this cd about 700 times (okay this is an exaggeration, for those of you who might think I am being serious) over the past three weeks.
On a sad note about this, I can honestly say that I am no closer to gaining any rhythm or great rhyming skills after all of this listening, although I do have a pretty good head bob going on, now that I have memorized the beat patterns hahaha.
Anyway, I was in Wal-Mart here while back, looking through the cd's (I think I was talking to Nene on the phone at the same time), when I found this cd on sale for under $8.00. Well, me, not being one that wants to pass up a chance to fuel the world's largest retailer by a purchase, decide to pick up a second copy. Well, now that I think about it, this is actually my third purchase of this cd, (I bought one for my brother way, way back like two years ago). Anyway, needless to say, I support Toby Mac!
Back to the story. So, I am super pumped about my new music, as I usually am, and open it as soon as I get in my truck after leaving Wal-Mart. As I begin listening through the tracks, I am reminded how much I really do love this cd, I mean Christian Hip-Hop from a white guy, its AWESOME! ( I often wonder if we will get to hear Christian Hip Hop in heaven) I think we might, and its going to be awesome!
But I digress, a third time. After driving around most of the day listening to TB, I get to a point where I want to listen to something else. So, I hit the eject button, and there is a problem, the cd player decides it does not want to give me the cd back. And.....after three weeks, it still does not want to give me the cd back. Now, one thing about it, the cd does still play, it just won't eject. So, in conclusion, I just wanted to say that I have lsitened to this cd about 700 times (okay this is an exaggeration, for those of you who might think I am being serious) over the past three weeks.
On a sad note about this, I can honestly say that I am no closer to gaining any rhythm or great rhyming skills after all of this listening, although I do have a pretty good head bob going on, now that I have memorized the beat patterns hahaha.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Should have known something was wrong
In the fridge at work, we have different carbonated drinks for everyone. There are the staples: Coke, Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke, and even Diet Pepsi. I noticed a while back that there were some caffeine free, Diet Cokes that never seemed to get drunk (tense?). Anyway, me, getting tired of looking at them there, grab one, and start to drink. I wasn't paying much attention as I took the first few drinks, as I was distracted with all the work I have at 4:15 on Friday afternoon. But, I just kept thinking, man this thing tastes, very "tasteless", almost like carbonated water, after a another drink, I ignored the thought and kept working. Finally, I take the last drink, and then something clicks in my head, this drink doesn't taste anything like the last caffeine free diet coke I drank. Then, remembering the fact that the cans have been sitting in the bottom of the fridge for as long as I could remember, I decided to look at the bottom of the can for the expiration date, this my friends, would probably have been information I would rather not have read.
EXPIRED 11/2005! NOOOOO!!!!!!!
Now all I can do is sit, and wait, to determine if this was a mistake, based on the reaction from my stomach. Who knows? Maybe everything will be fine, or maybe I will be hugging the toilet in a few minutes, I have never drank a coke that expired almost a year earlier. That is all.
EXPIRED 11/2005! NOOOOO!!!!!!!
Now all I can do is sit, and wait, to determine if this was a mistake, based on the reaction from my stomach. Who knows? Maybe everything will be fine, or maybe I will be hugging the toilet in a few minutes, I have never drank a coke that expired almost a year earlier. That is all.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I thought a bunch today about grace. I think that sometimes I don't take near enough time to ponder this amazing gift from the Lord. How much love does he have for us, how much does he forgive?
As I sat and reflected on the things in my life that I have done to hurt myself, others, and the Lord, I just became so thankful for His grace. He saves us even though we crucified Him. He loves us, even though we beat Him and killed Him. He loved us before we ever began down a path of sin, and pride that day in and day out is spitting in his face. He loved us, loves us now, and will forever love us and forgive us. We go through the battle each day, and sometimes we fall, sometimes we stand, and sometimes we just "be", but his grace is so great, and his love so deep, that he forgives the failures, and looks path the apathy. We are so unworthy of what He gives us, and yet at times we sit and beg for more, more, more. Isn't grace enough? The fact that he reaches down into nothing, and pulls us out and loves us so deeply, forgetting how wretched we are, and how many times we have, and will continue to stab him in the back with our actions, motivations, and devotions?
Yesterday I read this verse from Paul:
But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
Acts 20:24
If only we could start living life with such an attitude, get past all our wants, and quit holding ourselves up as something that is "worthy" of anything, because we are not. To view our life as not having any value outside of Jesus, and glorifying Him, because He is really the only one worthy of anything.
Instead of this, we get in a place where we feel we deserve, or are due, or should not be facing a certain circumstance. If only we could start looking at ourselves as not worthy of anything we have already been given by Christ, and therefore can only live in debt to Him for something we could never repay, by focusing only on giving all that we are back to Him and realizing it is not nearly enough.
As I sat and reflected on the things in my life that I have done to hurt myself, others, and the Lord, I just became so thankful for His grace. He saves us even though we crucified Him. He loves us, even though we beat Him and killed Him. He loved us before we ever began down a path of sin, and pride that day in and day out is spitting in his face. He loved us, loves us now, and will forever love us and forgive us. We go through the battle each day, and sometimes we fall, sometimes we stand, and sometimes we just "be", but his grace is so great, and his love so deep, that he forgives the failures, and looks path the apathy. We are so unworthy of what He gives us, and yet at times we sit and beg for more, more, more. Isn't grace enough? The fact that he reaches down into nothing, and pulls us out and loves us so deeply, forgetting how wretched we are, and how many times we have, and will continue to stab him in the back with our actions, motivations, and devotions?
Yesterday I read this verse from Paul:
But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
Acts 20:24
If only we could start living life with such an attitude, get past all our wants, and quit holding ourselves up as something that is "worthy" of anything, because we are not. To view our life as not having any value outside of Jesus, and glorifying Him, because He is really the only one worthy of anything.
Instead of this, we get in a place where we feel we deserve, or are due, or should not be facing a certain circumstance. If only we could start looking at ourselves as not worthy of anything we have already been given by Christ, and therefore can only live in debt to Him for something we could never repay, by focusing only on giving all that we are back to Him and realizing it is not nearly enough.
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