Thursday, May 11, 2006

Waiting on the Weekend

This weekend I will head back to the old home town of Beaumont to visit my family. One important note here is that Sunday is Mother's Day (Hi Mom!), so everyone please remember to say a special thank you to the one's who carried you around for nine months! For that matter say thank you to any mom, who carried anyone, anywhere for nine months, whether they carried your best friend, or someone you don't even know. After all we're talking nine months! So, from my heart to all the mom's out there THANK YOU! (Especially my mom, my Nene, and the Newest Mom in my family, My sister!).

On Friday, I will leave work, head to the rental car company, and pick up my cool Dodge Neon(yea, I am serious a Neon), in order to hit the road. ( Trust me if you saw a receipt for a fill-up for my truck, you wouldn't be laughing near as hard as you are right now). Now, the one part of this trip that I am excited, and yet almost scared about is the drive down and drive back home. You see I like the idea of having some serious thinking/reflecting time and leaving little parts of my many pieces of emotional baggage along Interstate 45 that I don't ever have to pick up again. But, the down side is that I am going to be trapped by myself in a car for 4.5 hours! As many of you who know me can attest, my co-dependency doesn't like for me to be alone for too long, (conversations with yourself, no matter how neutral you plan on being, are often one sided). I am sure there will be some prayers, some tears, and some loud singing (along to the radio), but most importantly I am praying there is clarity, peace, and understanding for my heart. So, if you get a spare moment please pray for me on Friday night, and Sunday afternoon, as I will be driving not only down a beautiful stretch of Texas Highway, but hopefully down to the depths of my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josh, thank you for being who you are. Thank you for speaking the truth. Thank you for putting your heart on the line for the sake of love. Thank you for being bold in your commitment and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for being my friend.

Love ya brother,

Leon V. Green